When visiting Salem, where should you go to eat? Here are some suggestions from our guides:

Beth - Witchs Brew Cafe- https://www.witchsbrewcafe.com/ and Tavern on the Green at the Hawthorne Hotel - https://www.hawthornehotel.com/the-tavern/
April - Ziggy's Donuts
Cody - Gulu Gulu - https://www.gulugulucafe.com/ and Adriatic -https://www.adriaticrestaurantandbar.com
Justine - Jodie Bee Bakes https://jodibeebakes.com/ and Koto - http://www.kotogrillsushi.com/
Mia - Boston Burger Company - https://www.bostonburgercompany.com/ and Sea Level Oyster Bar - https://sealeveloysterbar.com/dinner/
Paige - Ledger Restaurant and Bar https://www.ledgersalem.com/
Ryan - Howling Wolf - https://www.howlingwolftaqueria.com/
Seán - Opus - https://www.salemopus.com/
Stacy - Sea Level Oyster Bar - https://sealeveloysterbar.com/dinner/
Vanessa - Howling Wolf - https://www.howlingwolftaqueria.com/